Delinquent Minds

General Forums => General Forum => Topic started by: Spectre-{SF} on April 29, 2008, 06:34:00 am

Title: rogue v. warlock
Post by: Spectre-{SF} on April 29, 2008, 06:34:00 am

I see that you're a pretty well-geared rogue. Any strategies that warlocks have used against you that have had any success?

Rogues are my bane. Every other class I can have success against but against rogues there is no contest.

My character link is

Other than taking another talent point out of Fel Concentration and putting it in Demonic Resilience there isn't much else I can do defence-wise. My resilience is well over 400 and I have 13k health unbuffed. My spell dmg hovers around the 1175 mark with my fel armor up.

Title: Re: rogue v. warlock
Post by: Intangir on May 02, 2008, 08:25:48 pm
i rarely lose to a warlock, if i do its half luck, and half cause they go SOO HARD into +spell damage that they just manage to do alot of damage.. just as fast as i am

Title: Re: rogue v. warlock
Post by: Intangir on May 02, 2008, 08:26:22 pm
oh also using a void walker helps. and sac it before you die and resummon another

Title: Re: rogue v. warlock
Post by: Spectre-{SF} on May 04, 2008, 07:29:52 am
Yeah... that's pretty much what I figured. Damn rogues! :)

Good luck on Gladiator btw. That's a pretty good accomplishment. (why not try for Vengeful Gladiator? ;))