Title: I updated the website! Post by: Kefka on September 05, 2008, 06:08:08 pm The website itself has been updated to use much newer software. I'm using simple machines forums with Tiny Portal as the foundation for the site now
the files themselves though are still 3+ years old at least.. but now that I have an updated and easier to maintain version of the site i'll likely start releasing more stuff on here again. Title: Re: I updated the website! Post by: Shadow_heir1 on June 03, 2009, 12:31:50 pm do you ever updated this site? :?
btw, nice programs :-D Title: Help with Making a New Trainer Post by: your-death on April 22, 2013, 01:01:21 pm I have Looked over Your Doom-Gaze's,and this is the Best i have come to see in my life time.You have Done Such a Very Nice Job at it and ive had time to look it over it i was hoping i could inspire you to make one for diablo II lord of destruction.Ive seen how you have in the Doom-Gaze's where when people join your game you can view other peoples Names and there inventory.Also you can Change your Level and Stat's and add Skill's.
To my Point As Follows: Well there is also a Editor Called "Hero Editor".I dont Know If you Know About it But it Edit's your stats for diablo II lord of destruction But it dont view other peoples Names and there inventory so this is its Downfall. Please Can you make a New Editor For diablo II lord of destruction that has Both.Mabie Call it "Doom-Gaze's II" and it will be the Best Editor Ever that you will have made. Think you for your time Member Your-death P.s please reply |