Delinquent Minds

General Forums => General Forum => Topic started by: Zevidrex on October 17, 2016, 06:17:09 pm

Title: Ideas for new worlds
Post by: Zevidrex on October 17, 2016, 06:17:09 pm
So I havent been around long enough to know any other survey worlds other than the frozen tundra one we have, but I'm just going to leave this here for people to see...
I'd love to see the first world as a new permanent world. I think that would be interesting c:

Maybe some of the later worlds i can see being used in a temporary survey world :D

Title: Re: Ideas for new worlds
Post by: Intangir on October 18, 2016, 01:47:27 pm
cool, i used settings to the vanilla terrain generation on one a few back where meteors fell from the sky :) was a unique looking world in the hills, insanely tall, crazy mesas too