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by Intangir on November 24, 2024, 11:49:10 pm
I just massively upgraded my "homelab" and finally updated my 14 year old web server to work on the new server infrastrucure.

The Intangir network and all of the sites (including whatever site you're reading this on) are now ported over to the new upgraded server. Much of the hardware and software under the hood should be faster, hopefully more secure, and more upto date.

It was quite a pain to get this rather old forum software stack working with newer versions of so many software packages, some I couldn't even upgrade because of backwards compatibility issues but for the most part I have dragged this antiquated forum into the current decade. There are still a couple things not working (but they were already broken anyway), letting the server email out doesn't work yet, so new registrations are disabled.

Forums/bbs systems aren't as popular anymore these days but part of me still just wanted to keep it going anyway, you never know it may still be useful on future projects, games or communities
189 Views | 0 Replies
by Intangir on May 06, 2023, 03:14:48 am
Was just thinking about how long I've been hosting these websites..

The deliquentminds site that is still hosted as part of my network is over 25 years old now...

the current network linked implementation of the site is 15 years old
and has had numerous sites and projects and interested and servers hosted on it, some are still preserved in some form, many are gone though (maybe on way back machine)

it's been a journey.. nothing very interesting happening on here lately but who knows what the future holds. I think i'll just keep hosting it

727 Views | 0 Replies
by Kefka on July 07, 2012, 02:14:32 am
A new site, the Voluntaryist, is now ONLINE!
It is a voluntaryist minecraft server website!
Check it out if your into minecraft or voluntaryism Smiley
3727 Views | 0 Replies
by Kefka on May 09, 2010, 04:26:54 am
I moved all of my websites and other servers/services to a new beastly server
1803 Views | 0 Replies
by Intangir on April 04, 2010, 12:55:40 am
i installed a CLI based website at http://intangir.org
the old site is still reachable by typing 'gui' or hitting the intangir icon
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